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Showing posts from December, 2022

Speaking topics for YL||grade

Christmas greetings

 Сьогодні відправили листівки з Різдвом, Новим роком та Святим Миколаєм вихованцям спеціалізованої школи- інтернату у  Кмитові ( Житомирська область). Дякую своїм учням 7-В, 6-В, 4-Б класів за їхню небайдужість, за щирість, за те, що попри війну, зробили святковий настрій і собі , і дітям. .

Greenwich certificates

 My students of 7 B class got their certificates for participation in Greenwich contest. Congratulations 👏

Teaching English in the New Context

 #NUS Time flies and the British Council and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine   "Teaching English in the New Context. Grades 5-9" course for English teachers of Odesa and Odesa region  has already been done!) 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Together with my co-facilitator Oksana Kosharna  we have come to the conclusion, that we are different , but we have a lot in common. Eagerness to learn and to complete all tasks, sharing experience, ideas and thoughts, asking questions and  learning new are the main features of our Group 32. Thank you dear colleagues for being engaged in discussions on relevant topics, reflecting on your teaching practices, hot live sessions' debates and finding practical usage in theoretical materials. We really appreciate it! Hope you will implement all skills you have gained into your classrooms. My thank you also goes to the British Council Ukraine for  growing professionally. 💐

Teaching English in NUS

 Thank you #British Council Ukraine for growing professionally ❗